Dear Members,
Happy New Year! We hope you had a good Christmas Holiday and that you are ready for the start of a new year of courses and functions at the U3A.
There are a few new courses and a few changes to our 2015 Handbook of U3A Courses:
Art (Lawson)
Eve Kennedy: 4751 3291 Mobile: 0428 972 605
Lawson Rural Fire Service Hall, Yileena Ave., Lawson
Monday: 10.00 am – 12.30 pm
Weekly: Commencing: 2 February
Eve was going to run her Art course at Springwood. But was persuaded to combine her Art course with the Art course at Lawson.
Art Classes with a difference!
If you have always wanted to learn Art but didn’t know where to start, come along to the new classes starting in Springwood, with Eve Kennedy.
In this class all forms of Art are explored and taught. A good starting point is always drawing and colour theory, or you could go straight into learning the basic techniques of water colour, oils, pastels or folk-art. This is a good opportunity to see all types of Art in the same class.
Wear old clothes – Looking forward to our new Class. Tea and coffee is provided for a small donation.
Family History (Blaxland)
Helen Smith: 4739 3996 E:
Blaxland Community Centre – Room B
Tuesdays 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Weekly: Commencing 21 April
8 weeks only – Term 2 Minimum 10 students
The aim is to show students how to go about tracing past generations and be able to put together a family tree. No prior knowledge required. Bring a notebook and pencil.
Scrabble (Katoomba)
Glen Hooper: 4782 5163 E:
St Hildas Anglican Church Hall, 68a Katoomba St, Katoomba
(near railway station)
Tuesday: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Fortnightly: Commencing 3rd February
Come and play scrabble for fun, or in a round robin, enjoy the company of other word lovers.
Decorating Cup Cakes
Sue West: 0429 615 221 Email:
Penrith Seniors Centre, 86 Station St., Penrith
Thursdays: 9:30am – 11:30am
Weekly: Commencing 5 February
Have fun while learning to decorate cup cakes for all occasions.
No experience necessary.
Equipment list will be given at enrolment.
Train Your Brain (Penrith) – This course is in addition to the morning course at Blaxland
Geordie Conyngham: 0421 788 183 Email:
Penrith School of Arts – Room 2
Thursday: 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Weekly: Term 1 – Commencing 5 March – 6 weeks only
Weekly: Term 3 – Commencing 16 July – 6 weeks only
Weekly: Term 4 – Commencing 5 November – 6 weeks only
If you like to participate, like to be challenged or mentally stimulated, this is the course for you. Get your mind working and your brain exercised. This course is a gymnasium of mind and social activities. All you need is a willingness to think, participate and enjoy yourself. No prior knowledge is needed nor books. Please bring a pen and paper.
Textile Art: Patchwork, Embroidery, Tapestry,
Cross Stitch, Crochet, etc.
Jim Tiberi: 0419 493 959 Email:
Penrith School of Arts – Room 1
Friday: 1:00pm – 3:30pm
Weekly: Commencing 6 February
This course will focus on “those who know, showing those who want to know”, in other words if you want to improve your skills in patchwork, someone who is skilled in patchwork will show you. If you are interested in embroidery or cross stitch someone who is skilled in those fields will work with you and so on.
Everyone in this class will be encouraged to interact and learn from each other.
All skill levels welcome.
Knitting & Crochet
Beryl Caten: 4721 2987 E:
192 Nepean Shores, Tench Ave., Penrith – CHANGE OF LOCATION
2nd & 4th Tuesdays: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Fortnightly: Commencing 10 February
This is a creative knitting and crocheting class suitable from the beginner to the experienced and caters for both right and left handed persons. In a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, students work on their own individual projects with guidance and assistance given by Beryl.
History of the British Isles – This course will NOT be held in Term 1
Anthony Bayes: 4739 2661
At Penrith & Springwood
Tuesday: 10:00am – 12:00noon – Terms 2, 3 & 4 Only
Thursday: 10:00am – 12:00noon – Terms 2, 3 & 4 Only
Continuers French
Catherine Warples: 4751 6563 E:
Blaxland Community Centre – Room B – CHANGE OF LOCATION
Tuesdays: 10:00am – 11:30pm
Fortnightly: Commencing 3 February
This course will be for students who have completed a Beginners’ course or who have a level of French that would be equivalent.