Advanced Maths Made Simpler

Sesha Prasad – Tel: 0437 228 643


Penrith School of Arts – Computer Room

Tuesdays 10:45 – 12:15

The objective of this course is to present advanced topics in Mathematics in an easy-to-understand way.  The historical background of the topic is presented where relevant.  The emphasis is on the concepts and the practical relevance of mathematics in everyday life.  As a prerequisite, a basic understanding of the elementary algebra is useful. 

To encourage new members to join the course at the NEW VENUE, the topics for the year 2024 will start from the basic, namely Number Systems, Introductory Algebra, Simultaneous Algebra, Matrices etc.  Even with these introductory topics, there will be plenty of opportunities to solve practical applications in the areas such as Electrical Engineering, Hydraulics etc!